Freedom lover: How to achieve time and location freedom

Are you a freedom lover? Freedom is one of the biggest reasons why women become entrepreneurs. For some, the idea of being able to work from anywhere is their idea of heaven. They want to travel the world, work from a cafe in France or whilst their kids are playing in the hotel pool. For others, it’s having the time and freedom to work hours that suit their lifestyle. Their idea of business freedom is working around the kids or taking a day off when the sun is out.

But no matter how you view freedom, it’s not always easy to achieve when you work for yourself. Here are some steps you can take to start taking steps towards achieving that freedom lover lifestyle you crave.

The freedom lover is clear on their goals

Know what your ideal lifestyle looks like and how you’re going to achieve it. If you’re looking for more freedom, you need to get super focused on your goals so you’re not wasting time doing what’s not essential.

Create a consistent, repeatable marketing strategy

Your marketing strategy needs to be one you can rinse and repeat consistently. This helps cut down on planning time but also keeps things simple. Consistency enables you to stay on track and focused, plus it also helps build brand awareness and trust.
[Check out How consistency will improve your business for more info on the benefits of consistency in business].

Get ahead of yourself to free up your time

Plan and schedule ahead so you’re not working last minute on marketing or social media. Ideally, get a month ahead with your content creation and scheduling. This also helps alleviate the stress and worry about finding a decent internet signal when you’re travelling!

Get the right team in place so you can step away as needed

Having the right team in place is a must for any freedom lover. It enables you to outsource tasks to free up your time, plus it also lightens your task list. Just make sure to have the right people in place and that you’re
managing them effectively.

A freedom lover makes use of automation, systems and tools

There are so many online cloud-based tools that are available to you. They help sync your documents across your devices and enable easy access and seamless working, regardless of where in the world you are. Also, look to automate as much as possible so you’re not wasting your time or paying unnecessary hours for a team member.

If you’d like help with outsourcing, check out Knowing what to outsource in your business and 8 admin tasks you can (and should!) outsource in your business.

Price based on results and value

Don’t let your pricing structure hold you back from achieving a freedom-loving lifestyle. Far too many business owners are stuck trading time for money and using hourly rates. Instead, opt for package prices based on the results and value you give. They not only carry a higher ticket price, but they also help clarify expectations.

Have a sound referral system in place

Finally, get a sound referral system in place. Ask for testimonials to ramp up your social proof and look to turn your clients into your best referrers. It helps to cut down on your marketing spend, and also, word of mouth is so much more effective for your marketing efforts.

If you’re an established freedom lover who is looking to achieve time and/or location freedom in your business, why not get in touch? As your OBM, I can take on the day-to-day running of your business, so you can enjoy freeing up your time and focusing only on those things that need your attention. Click here to book a complimentary consultation.

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