About TAKO Virtual Solutions

..... and me

Online Business Manager & Finance Admin | TAKO Virtual Solutions

Hello and welcome!

I am Tanja…

and here is a little insight into who you would be working with.

I am an energetic and extremely organised Online Business Manager and Admin Consultant, who provides remote business support to busy service based business owners and tech start-ups.

Bringing global experience to the table 

Having over 20 years of high-level experience in customer service, office management, administration and operations, I’ve had the pleasure of working with everyone from CEO’s and company Directors to business start-ups. This gives me a full understanding of what businesses like yours, need to run efficiently – especially when it comes to areas such as finances, office management, and planning.

One of the traits my clients love about me is that of being a typical German – I’m resourceful, organised and reliable. And having worked globally my entire career – UK, Spain, Australia, New Zealand, Germany, Canada  – I am often considered more of a nomad. This is great for you, as it means you benefit from the wealth of experience I can bring to the table – experience that makes me the perfect proactive consultant and operations support for your business. 

No matter where you’re based or which time zone you work by, if you’re running at capacity and could do with more hours in your day, then I can help.

Delivering what you need, when you need it

Having worked with big corporations and SMEs and across various sectors including Aviation, Travel, Nonprofit, Public Sector, Publishing, and Tech, I have a make-it-happen attitude that enables me to turn my hand to many different subjects – and this quite often involves me adapting or proactively organising systems and tools to make things happen for you. This is a quality that can’t easily be replicated, but one that is essential to business owners like yourself.

If you’re curious about my CV or check out some testimonials head over to my personal LinkedIn profile here.


Helping YOU save time and money by putting business structures in place that will allow you to take a breath and focus on the big picture.


My vision is to help you achieve the perfect balance between the life you want to live and the business you aspire to have.


Honest, reliable and dependable support.. ALWAYS!

Responsible and transparent in handling business matters, yours as well as my own.

I love what I do and am passionate about delivering 1st class service, every time.

Introducing TAKO Virtual Solutions

TAKO Virtual Solutions was created for people like you, who want to create a better life for themselves. You’re a big picture person and love the idea of selling to and engaging with your clients. You also relish working on and developing products further. However, having worked with many entrepreneurs over the years, I know, like other entrepreneurs in your shoes, the most common complaint they have is frustration – at being bogged down by putting frameworks in place, dealing with operationsadmin type tasks and struggling to find time to do the things they love.

What makes TAKO different?

TAKO Virtual Solutions is unique in that, not only can I help you with your typical office admin services, I can also provide all around solutions which include writing out your processes (SOPs), setting up your systems and making sure your operations are running smoothly.

So, what areas do I cover?

I provide Online Business Management as well as remote business support performing bookkeeping, invoicing and web maintenance. In addition to the above areas, If you also need someone to manage your meetings and diary, streamline your systems, and keep on top of (or restructure) your administrative back-office, then put me on speed dial!

Our mission

Ultimately, I am here to help save you time and money so that you can focus on doing what you do best – growing your business and identifying new growth opportunities. It’s a win-win – we both get to do what we enjoy doing the most!

Some of my amazing clients


Client love