Admin Consultancy

What is an Admin Consultant

Admin Consultants are the next port of call when you’re looking to implement various aspects in your business but require them to take the lead rather than you overseeing the different projects.  I call them a VA/ OBM hybrid.

An Admin Consultant can oversee the day-to-day activities in your office and ensure you’re using the right administrative systems and strategies that will benefit the business and make the workflow more efficient. They can also carry out specific administrative duties, based around their specialised areas and can provide a similar support to an OBM just on an ad-hoc or project basis.

Essentially, they are your right hand wo(man), when you have some grand plans for your business but just can’t do it all on your own anymore.

What an Admin Consultant can do for you

Working with an Admin Consultant means you have someone to delegate all the ‘doing’ tasks to but more importantly it means you can rest assured that things are taken care of and you can focus on the big picture – the future plans without being overwhelmed or the need for micro management.

They will take care of your books, proofreading your content, maintain your website up and running, deal with your customers, arranging meetings, you name it.

More importantly they will be there to ensure you don’t forget anything, be your sounding board and make suggestions how to improve things.

How you'll benefit from working with an Admin Consultant

The list is endless. Here are some benefits of hiring an Admin Consultant:

  • Time to focus on the big picture or the things you enjoy doing
  • No more overwhelm
  • Actually taking time off without having to check your emails (Sound familiar?)
  • Knowing you have a business continuity plan in place 
  • A second pair of eyes and sounding board
  • A valuable business partner to help you improve things
  • Increase in revenue

Unsure about hiring an Admin Consultant?

Let's have a chat and work out what the best option would be for you and your business.

Admin consultancy rates

Hourly rates

Suitable for ad-hoc work | Rates starting at
50 Hour
  • Admin consultancy services
  • Time report provided with every invoice
  • Min charge of one hour per month.

Monthly retainer

Retainer rates start at €350 per month
500 Month
  • Fast turn around times​
  • Min 3 month committment​
  • Priority service