What tasks can you outsource to your VA?

Many businesses hire freelancers and outsourcers to help grow their business. And a VA is no different. A VA can be a valuable resource for your business. When you outsource to your VA, you can free up your own time and have new systems and processes implemented that help your business grow faster and more efficiently.

But if you’re not sure what tasks you can outsource to your VA, you may not be making full use of this valuable business asset. So here’s a quick rundown of the various tasks your VA can confidently handle for you. 

Social media tasks 

There are so many social media tasks you can outsource to your VA! From social media set up and management, through to posting, monitoring and engaging, a VA can handle as much or as little of your social media as you’d like.

Blogging tasks 

Another area that is easily outsourced to a VA is that of blogging. If you like to write your own blogs, you can get your VA to research, edit, upload and schedule them for you. Once your blog is live, a VA can then repurpose and share it, as well as respond to comments. If you’re looking for guest blogging opportunities, this is something else you VA can handle for you too.

Systems and processes 

If you want your business to become more efficient, you need the right systems and processes in place. So why not outsource to your VA? They can set up workflows, create checklists and templates and even set up a Standard Operating Procedures manual for you.

Customer service

Your customer service tasks are something you can outsource to your VA. They’re happy to answer queries, manage chatbots, book appointments and even deal with complaints. And when you need customer gifts, surveys and refunds sent out, your VA can oblige here too.

Digital marketing 

There’s a whole wealth of digital marketing tasks you can outsource to your VA. From setting up sales funnels and sales pages, through to social media advertising and managing ad accounts, a VA can take charge of your digital marketing world.

Email marketing 

If you’re using digital marketing, there’s a good chance you’re also using email marketing too. Again, these are all tasks a VA can take on for you, so let them write, automate and maintain your email and CRM systems for you.


Although not all VAs can carry out the more technical aspects of websites (such as design and maintenance), they can carry out keyword research, help with link building, competitor analysis, graphic creation and updating plugins. And of course, they can also edit offers, upload new product and service descriptions and carry out backups!

Email inbox management 

A general VA is more than happy to filter, organise, declutter and generally manage your email inbox for you.  

Calendar management 

Calendar management is crucial if you want to make the most out of your available working time. A VA is more than happy booking appointments, making travel arrangements, and scheduling aside your time for important events. 


There are a lot of financial-based tasks you can outsource to your VA. Invoicing, reconciliation, chasing late payments, paying invoices, payroll, expense management and even transferring funds, are all within their remit. And a
VA or Admin Consultant can also help you get your books ready for your accountant too.

General office assistance 

Let’s not forget the generic office tasks you can outsource to your VA. The typical back-office duties a VA can do for you include filing, note-taking, weekly reports, analysis, preparing reports and manuals, proofreading, presentation creation and general transcription.

Project management

And finally, we have project management. Overseeing existing projects, managing your team and their projects, and handling their own projects – such as setting up systems and processes for your business, creating a procedures manual, managing contractors etc. – are all tasks you can outsource to your VA.

A VA can be a valuable asset for your business, but only if you’re making full use of them. Take a look at the tasks above and see how many you can outsource to your VA. Not only will it take them off your plate, but there’s also a good chance they’ll be completed faster and more efficiently by your VA. 

If you’d rather have an extensive list of tasks your VA can do for you check out my free downloadable list 111 Tasks a VA can do for you

And if you don’t yet have a VA and are looking for one to work with your business, why not get in touch? Let’s talk and see how your business will benefit, from having me working alongside you.


What tasks can you outsource to your VA

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