5 Tips for streamlining your small business operations

Have you thought about streamlining your business operations? If you’re a small business owner you may think it’s something only larger businesses do. But if you’re looking to work in a more effective, productive manner, you need to consider streamlining things.

Simply put, streamlining means eliminating unnecessary tasks and using technology, automation and workflows to help your business run smoothly, efficiently and productively. So if that sounds good to you, keep reading to find out how to make that happen!

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Create your own Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)

If you want to start streamlining your business operations, you need to create your own operating procedures manual. Standard Operating Procedures are step-by-step instructions designed to help you carry out the tasks within your business. Collectively known as SOPs (or Standard Operating Procedures), all businesses need a one-stop reference manual for them, as they help provide and implement a clear structure within your business.
[Check out What are Standard Operating Procedures and why do I need them? For more information on SOPs.]

Make use of a good project management tool

No matter what type of business you have, there’s a high chance you have more than one project the go at any one time. If you want to save time and keep your project organised, you need to use a good project management tool. If you’re looking for a basic system, check out
Trello. However, if you want robust system that also allows you to monitor team projects, check out Asana.

Use a CRM system to streamline your business operations

Your business needs clients and leads, if you want to grow. But it can get a little time consuming, monitoring every lead in your business, that’s why you need to streamline your business operations more, by implementing a CRM system.

If you’re looking for an all-in-one business solution, one that includes project management and a CRM system, check out Dubsado. It enables you to send proposals and invoices, schedule client calls, send out lead magnets, monitor leads, and create projects for individual clients. 

Use automation in your business operations

Automation is essential if you want to truly streamline your business. There are so many different tasks you complete on a daily and weekly basis. Many of which can easily be automated to save you time. Check out these
8 admin tasks you can (and should!) automate in your business for some great ideas to get you started.

Outsource whenever possible

You can’t look to streamline your business without considering your own workload. Far too many business owners put too much on their own to-do lists. And often, it also contains a lot of tasks they shouldn’t even be doing themselves! So if that’s something you struggle with, check out
The cost of outsourcing and getting a positive ROI and then start listing out all the tasks you can outsource.

If you’re looking to streamline your small business operations but need a little help, why not reach out? As an Online Business Manager, I can help you assess and streamline your business, put solid foundations in place and enable you to take a step back, knowing that your business is running like clockwork (even when you’re not around). Sounds good? Let’s talk! You can find book a convenient time to discuss your business and available options here.

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