WordPress Maintenance

WordPress maintenance made easy

WordPress maintenance and tech in general don’t have to be scary, backing everything up frequently keeps your data safe and protects you from hackers, version incompatibilities and unwanted changes.

Most of us learn the hard way, but why if  it can be avoided. Not updating your WordPress installation and its plugins leaves you wide open for hackers to attack and hold your website ransom. Nothing you or me ever wants to experience (again).

The other thing to keep in mind is that Google might think your site is obsolete if it’s not maintained, another unwanted side effect, right?!

But, ‘I’m worried that I’ll break something’,  or ‘I don’t know how’ I hear you say. It’s ok, as business owners having to wear all the hats we can’t know or be great at everything.

I’m here to help you navigate the techie side of your business.

Updating your WordPress installation

Have some small layout or content changes?  Send them over

Updating your websites plugins

Scheduling regular backups

Need your blog posts uploaded?

In need of a new host? I can help you out with some first class recommendations here too.

Don't like tech?
Talk to me about your WordPress maintenance needs.

Many business owners get nervous when it comes to updating their data in cloud based platforms, outsourcing this task will give you piece of mind.

WordPress maintenance rates

Monthly maintenance

65 Month
  • Included:
  • WordPress installation updated
  • Weekly plugin updates
  • Blog posts uploaded weekly
  • Broken links fixed
  • One hour of changes per month